legal notices

1. Publisher:

The present site is edited by the micro company represented by Mrs Valérie PAGET under the trade name BALCON DE LA ZIMETTE.
SIRET : 911 149 854 00018
APE Code: 5520Z
32 Chemin du Rupt du Moulin
88310 Ventron
Publication manager: Mrs Valérie PAGET

2. Accommodation:

26, Avenue de la Praille – 1227 Carouge / Geneva – SWITZERLAND
Tel. : +41 22 820 35 44
Fax: +41 22 301 67 69
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3. Design:

This website was created by theweb agency in Epinal.
Photo and video credits: Agence Projekteur

4. Personal Data Management:

The data collected by this website is and will never be resold or passed on to third parties, and will be used with the utmost discretion on our part in the context of, and only in the context of, the use for which you have provided us with such data. Under no circumstances will we misuse your data for any purpose other than the one clearly stated when you provided it to us. Connection data (e.g. IP address, connection logs) may be collected when you visit this site. By browsing this site, you consent to the transmission of this information to us. The data you expressly send on the Contact page of this website through the forms will only be used for answering purposes. All the information sent in these forms will be deleted within 3 years after you send them to us.
The data transmitted on this site are only accessible by the competent internal services, i.e. : * For IP, logs and all connection data, only the website administrators. * For the information transmitted by a form of the contact page, only the concerned services of BALCON DE LA ZIMETTE.
For any questions related to the protection, security and use of personal data, please contact us at
You have the right at any time to request the deletion of some or all of your personal data by sending an e-mail to
If you are not satisfied with the response, you can file a complaint with the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (CNIL): https: //